
How It's Made

computer modeling and the lastEvery shoe derives its shape from a last. SFT's lasts are created from a computer model that adapts to match the shape and size of your feet. Unlike mass-produced shoes, where generic lasts are created in an expensive set of all shoe sizes, SFT lasts are custom-cut for just the climber who orders them and are recyclable.

CNC fabricationParts for the lasts and patterns for the shoe components are generated by the computer model, and then laser-cut. Laser-cutting allows us to accommodate any size of patterns and as well as special design requests. It is also the key to being making custom shoes for 30% less than traditional shoemaking methods.

sewingThe laser-cut components for the upper are sewn together on an industrial sewing machine. This unique machine is both capable of joining pieces of material edge-to-edge and rigid enough to sew through multiple layers of leather.

rubber applicationRubber parts are prepared for gluing by beveling their edges on a skiving machine to create smooth transitions between rubber-clad areas and unadorned upper areas on the shoe. In the tradition of the best European boots and climbing shoes, each rand is applied to the shoe by hand.

finishingOnce the soles are applied and pressed to bond securely, the shoes are trimmed and finished to create an exact edge on the toebox. Finally, they are inspected and carefully packed to ship.

Ready to experience the fit and performance of custom shoes?

Order custom shoes.